Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's another blog!

So. Mark and I, while not actually vegetarian, try and eat as little meat as possible, and when cooking at home tend to make almost exclusively vegetarian (or occasionally pescatarian) food. We like to think that we eat pretty damn well.

Recently, a few friends of mine have been talking about how they feel they should eat less meat, and have said something along the lines of "I just don't know what vegetarians eat every day!"

After a particularly tasty meal tonight, it occurred to me that it might be Useful and Nice if we started blogging some of our meals. We pretty much make most of our dishes up, so none of the recipes are copyrighted; we spend relatively little on food; and although it's true we do enjoy cooking, we rarely spend hours slaving over a hot stove (and we both have full-time jobs).

So this blog is basically for those who'd like to eat more vegetarian food but are seeking a bit of inspiration. I'm hoping it'll come in handy for our friends and family, but if anyone else happens to stop by while surfing the interwebs, so much the better.

Of course, it's possible we will fail entirely to find the time in our oh-so-busy schedules to actually maintain this blog, but you never know...

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